Illegal Aliens Commit About 5,000 Murders Every Year
Illegal Aliens Commit Approximately 5,000 Murders in the US Every Year, and around 400,000 Other Violent Crimes!
I just watched an interview with Iowa Congressman Steve King talking about hearings in his House of Representatives Immigration Subcommittee. Congressman King was aghast, as am I, to learn that 28% of the inmates in our Federal Prison System are illegal aliens.
These people are not in jail for illegal immigration, because of our failed government's policy of catch and release. You know, they catch an illegal, give him a piece of paper to appear for a hearing in a few months, and release them into the US.
The prisoners are locked up for committing other Federal crimes, crimes that even our insane leaders agree are serious crimes.
Congressman King then heard testimony that the Federal government reimburses the States for 25% of their prison budgets for housing illegal immigrants.But we are told that there are only 10 or 12,000,000 illegal immigrants in our total population of 300,000,000.
So these 3% to 4% of the people are committing 25% to 28% of the murders and violent crimes.
Using these numbers, illegal immigrants are eight to nine times more likely to commit violent crimes and murders in the US than citzens.
But the FBI testified to the Immigration Subcommittee that illegal aliens commit seven times more crimes than the total population.Nice to hear Senators Kennedy and John McCain say "Immigrants are good for America!" and "America needs immigrants."
There are 6,400,000,000 poor people in the world who "NEED" to come here for a better life.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if all 6,400,000,000 were added to the current 10,000,000 of illegals? 640 more for every one here now?
Our leaders are so out of touch with reality that we need a really big peaceful revolution to elect only working men and women and no more wealthy elite, and no more lawyers, no more Harvard and Yale graduates.
I am serious. Nobody should vote for any candidate who:
1. Ever held an elected office
2. Ever was a lawyer
3. Attended Harvard Yale Columbia or Princeton or any other college in New York City
PS I attended the University of California at Berkeley but left the same exact month that the Hippies arrived. Honest!
Tune in tomorrow. . . .
Frank Lynch,
You can express your outrage to President Bush by email to
The White House phone number is 202-456-1111
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Labels: Dr. Frank Lynch, Frank Lynch, Frank Lynch Uniersity, Franks Heros, Franksheros, illegal aliens, La Raza, Mexico, news, news and politics, parenting, Paris Hilton, security, single mothers, terrorism
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